HomeownersSmart Home June 14, 2023

Smart Home 2023: High-Tech Oasis

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This was originally posted on Coldwell Banker Elite.

Smart home are quickly becoming a reality, and many homeowners in Florida are jumping on the trend. From voice-activated assistants to solar-powered gadgets, there’s a wide range of smart home technology that’s revolutionizing the way we live. In this blog post, we’ll explore three major smart home trends for 2023, their benefits, and implementation tips.


Smart Home Technology

1. Voice-Activated Assistants

Voice-activated assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant, have been around for a few years now, but they’re becoming increasingly popular in 2023. Voice assistants use AI to understand and respond to spoken commands, simplifying control of smart home devices hands-free.

The benefits of voice-activated assistants are numerous. They offer hands-free control of smart devices, adjusting temperature, turning on lights, or ordering groceries without pressing a button. Additionally, voice assistants can learn your preferences and habits, allowing them to provide personalized suggestions and reminders that help you stay organized and productive.

Implementing voice-activated assistants in your home is extremely straightforward. To set up voice control, get a compatible device (e.g., Amazon Echo, Google Home) and smart devices like thermostats, lights, and locks. Smart devices include setup instructions for voice control, and many can be controlled remotely using a smartphone app.


2. Solar-Powered Gadgets

Conversely, as homeowners in Florida become increasingly eco-conscious, solar-powered gadgets are quickly gaining popularity. From solar-powered outdoor lighting to solar-powered phone chargers, these gadgets use the power of the sun to provide energy, reducing your reliance on traditional electricity sources.

Solar-powered gadgets are more environmentally friendly than traditional gadgets, reducing your carbon footprint and helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, solar gadgets cost less to operate than traditional alternatives, resulting in long-term savings on your energy bill.

Furthermore, adding solar-powered gadgets to your home is simple, but it depends on how extensively you want to incorporate them. You’ll need to purchase solar-powered devices that meet your needs, such as outdoor lighting, phone chargers, or even solar-powered generators. Solar devices provide setup instructions, and some can connect to your existing solar power system if available in your home.


3. Smart Kitchens

In 2023, kitchen appliances will get smarter, simplifying and improving cooking and baking with enhanced convenience and precision. Voice-activated mixers will read instructions and weigh ingredients for accurate measurements. Smart ovens will monitor and adjust baking temperatures in real-time to prevent overcooking or undercooking.

Smart refrigerators will also become more prevalent, equipped with touchscreens that can display recipes, pictures, and control appliance settings. Control appliances by voice or touchscreen, freeing you to focus on other tasks while your food cooks or bakes.

If you’re interested in upgrading your kitchen to a smart kitchen, there are many options available to you.  Consider researching the latest smart kitchen appliances and consulting with a smart home expert to find the solutions that work best for your needs and budget. Furthermore, with smart kitchen technology, you’ll be able to take your cooking and baking to the next level and enjoy a more functional and efficient home.

About Smart Home Upgrades

Nevertheless, smart home technology has come a long way in recent years, and the trends for 2023 have positioned homeowners to take things to the next level. From voice-activated assistants to solar-powered gadgets and virtual assistants, there are plenty of ways to transform your Florida home into a high-tech oasis. As shown above, by implementing these trends, you’ll enjoy greater convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency, all while reducing your environmental impact and saving money on your energy bills.

Whether you’re just getting started with smart home technology or you’re looking to take your existing setup to the next level, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. From online tutorials and forums to local smart home experts, there are many ways to learn more about the latest trends and technologies and find the solutions that are right for your home.


Coldwell Banker Richwill Realty
39865 US Hwy 27, Davenport, FL 33897